A review of the Hasbro Battlestar Galactica titanium Classic Colonial Viper


Today i’m going to look at the Hasbro Battlestar Galactica titanium classic colonial viper which was from wave 3 and was released back in 2006/7 . I’ll look at why i don’t like some of its features.Then i’ll look at why i like other aspects of it that i do like.This will help me decide whether i think it a model that is worth having in a collection.


Here are some aspects about the hasbro classic colonial viper that i don’t like.Firstly,the laser cannons on the lower stabilization fins are too stylized. Since they are raised  instead of being flush. And secondly it seems that the angle at which  lower stabilization fins are positioned is too low.Because it makes the model look ‘squashed’ depending  on how you view the model.

Hasbro Battlestar Galactica titanium classic colonial viper

But there are aspects of this model which i do like.The paint app is good .The colors match the onscreen representation. And the sculpt is also good one.This appears to be  one of those models that looks good  from some angles but not others.But this is a subjective  viewpoint.For example i think that the side view looks good.But i think the front view does not look so nice because the lower stabilization fins are pitched too low

Hasbro Battlestar Galactica titanium classic colonial viper

So in conclusion,i subjectively don’t like the way the laser cannons are mounted on the lower fins and the way that the fins are positioned at a low angle.But except for these aspects i do like the model overall.Were  this was the only classic colonial viper model made at this size, then it would be a good addition to a collection.

Hashro Galactica titanium classic colonial viper and Konami Battlestar Atlantia

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